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From: Czar
Time: 04/16/2004 22:19:31
Comment: That's Invidious? Woah, blows my mind to find he actually has a physical form, away from the internet.


From: Babs
Time: 04/12/2004 23:26:22
Comment: Zahlman: OMG, Alecto's checking me out..it was supposed to be the ladies checking me out!!


From: Babs
Time: 04/12/2004 23:18:34
Comment: Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.


From: Invidious
Time: 04/12/2004 22:41:54
Comment: Here we see Olivia asking me (Invidious) for a cigarette.


From: eques
Time: 04/12/2004 21:32:54
Comment: If you are on fire, run, do not walk, to the nearest exit.

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From: Ardant
Time: 12/10/2003 20:40:16
Comment: Sailin' the ocean blue...


From: Invidious
Time: 10/22/2003 19:01:23
Comment: Heh... Nice previous comment... YOU SPINELESS BASTARD!


From: eques
Time: 10/15/2003 13:08:46
Comment: Toronto Eaton Centre sign is *so* begging to be stolen.


From: eques
Time: 10/15/2003 13:01:56
Comment: Zahlman plays the second-oldest trick in the book on Ardant.


From: Moe
Time: 10/15/2003 03:47:55
Comment: Yeah she is cute... I love that girl ;) I'm the guy hiding his head to her right hand side. hehe, your left ;)

10 of 81 comments shown

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